From the archive: B & S Sam Paris

. Don't let the engraving fool you: this is undeniably a 1960s East German B&S saxophone. (yet) not badly built, and this one sounds surprisingly good. As many B&S instruments sound pretty good by the way. Only later in the time, in the 1980s, did the money in East Germany really run out and dredging came out of the B&S factory. A real shame, because there was enough know-how and craftsmanship. This one is still quite well built, blows easily, intonation well, and sounds much more expensive than it is. It has not had much paint for a long time and has therefore developed a beautiful patina. Beautiful vintage look! It was overhauled last year at Sollie in Leeuwarden and exchanged here for a great The Martin.

Price: SOLD


Category: Tenor

234 alto, 158 tenor, 58 soprano, and 21 baritone saxophones across 46 brands