From the archive: 1972 Selmer Mark VI Alto Saxophone Original Lacquer Fully Overhauled 204xxx

A beautiful Condition Original Lacquer Selmer Mark VI Alto Saxophone 204xxx serial number placing the year of production to 1972! The fresh overhaul was recently done by Robertos with White Roo Pads. Just take a look at the photos and you can see how crisp the lacquer is. The neck you will notice is completely original to the instrument and also it is not pulled down or suffered any damages in the past! Do not be fooled by the late serial number the truth is these later mark VI altos are some of the best playing and most in tune Mark VIs available.

Price: SOLD

Brand: Selmer

Category: Alto

234 alto, 158 tenor, 58 soprano, and 21 baritone saxophones across 46 brands