284xxx 1938 Conn 10M Tenor Saxophone Naked Lady Pre War Rolled Tone Holes Re Lacquered Recently Re Padded / Contact Seller

284xxx 1938 Conn 10M Tenor Saxophone Naked Lady Pre War Rolled Tone Holes Re Lacquered Recently Re Padded

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284xxx 1938 Conn 10M Tenor Saxophone Naked Lady Pre War Rolled Tone Holes Re Lacquered Recently Re Padded

Seller Location: United States of America

Price: 3,850.00 USD

Check this Vintage Conn Out Saxophone Fans! This is a beautiful sounding 284xxx 1938 Conn 10M Tenor Saxophone Naked Lady Pre War Rolled Tone Holes ...

234 alto, 158 tenor, 58 soprano, and 21 baritone saxophones across 46 brands