Continental Colonial By Conno

This Continental Colonial is a Conn stencil. This instrument has been overhauled by us and provided with pads with metal resonators during the overhaul. An affordable older American, with an authentic sound character. What is a stencil? A stencil saxophone is built by an established manufacturer (such as Martin, Conn and Buescher), but for a different (smaller) brand or shop. So the sax is basically a Martin, Conn or Buescher, but with a different (brand) name engraved on the bell. This was done for several reasons. Most stencils were built from the late 1920s. This enabled saxophone manufacturers to continue to build during the crisis years and to meet the demand for cheaper saxophones. All second-hand instruments are professionally checked before sale and, if necessary, completely overhauled in our own workshop. Checking saxophones means that the keys are adjusted, the shafts oiled, the pads cleaned and that the instrument is played all the way through. In case of overhaul, the saxophone is completely disassembled and rebuilt, with new pads and corks. That is why we offer a standard 1 year warranty and 1 year free service and maintenance on our used saxophones, just like on our new saxophones. With an occasion saxophone from Van Gorp you know for sure that you are in the right place! Of course, our occasion saxophones can be tested in our store without obligation. Our employees are happy to give you expert advice when selecting an instrument.

Price: 749 EUR

Brand: Continental

Category: Alto

Seller Location: The Netherlands

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234 alto, 158 tenor, 58 soprano, and 21 baritone saxophones across 46 brands